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An illustration I created from a painting I made

of various people I have met at airports.

Currently I am focusing full-time on licensing my lllustrations/designs with my art agency, Lisa Larsen Studio.  I still paint using acrylics which I love doing too in hopes that the two art loves will mesh together. The art I do produce means so much more if I can share it with others. 

I grew up in Minneapolis, MN. Have 20 years in computer graphic design. As a freelance artist and a flight attendant I was fortunate to learn so much about the world and people. Creating is a way of life for me. Even the bumps in life require creating plan B's.

about me

Cindy Jackson


In 2000 started my full-time art adventures. I exhibited at the NY LIcensing Show, NY Stationery Show, Chicago Merchandise Mart, Chicago One-of-Kind Art Show, Minneapolis Gift & Apparel Marts, Twin Cities Wine Experience trying both wholesale markets and retail markets. In 2008 is when I combined careers with flying. I have taught art classes and introduced my grandkids (as well as my own kids) to the fun of making a mess with paint. My youngest daughter is truly an artist also. My grandkids are loving it too. Whenever I can I will help and encourage others to try or continue with their art. You don't have to be good to start I


say.  Does a surgeon know how to do surgery without training. No, I feel like whatever it is you feel excited about keep working at it and you will get better. I did have a year of  drawing courses at St Cloud State  University but my painting has been mostly self-taught. Being observant and listening to others  has been great training for me. There is so much to learn. It's something my parents encouraged us at a young age and showed us by example thoughout their lives.

As A Full-Time Artist


Some things I have learned along the way.



NEVER EVER GIVE UP! NEVER! (cliche alert)

This goes for life and art but in art if it gives you joy, keep doing it until you find your place. If you need to take a break, do that but get back to it. The more you practice the better you get.

KEEP Learning:

Getting older I thought you would at least get wiser but it didn't ring true for me because I feel I have so much to learn and I just love learning new things.


Whenever possible choose kindness. Your words matter and it could make all the difference to someone else.

Ask for or Give Help:

When you need help ASK. And keep looking if you are not finding what you need. We all need help at times and it feels great to be able to reciprocate with helping others.


My heart is so very full of gratitude for my family

& friends. I believe in a higher power and as Bob Dylan's line in one of his songs says "You've got to serve somebody".


Oh yeah, I love classic rock. Bob Dylan, sold

(see my instagram @abstractionjackson)


The Beatles, acrylic painting on canvas, sold

Please contact me if you'd like to work with me

at 218-251-7960 or email

I would love to hear from you.

and last but not least


© 2023 Jackson Designs

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